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Videos using the tag #medical-aparthied (x)
4 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 812
    Sunday Mass - BOOM! Vig Viganò for the win AGAIN! Viganò to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International. "Pandemic is Only the First Step." Worth the read and who would have thought that it is Viganò coming up huge each time to set matters straight! Big praise! ‘Dear and distinguished friends, Allow me...
  • 04:18
    0 0 0 1156
    Want to buy food and get there by bus? Tough.
    Medical apartheid ramps up in Ireland as this Senator wants to ban the unvaccinated from public transport and supermarkets.
    Perhaps the most humane thing to do is let the unvaccinated starve to death while walking to forage for food?
    Do not comply with the segregation of society, di...
  • 0 0 0 1134
    Max Igan overviews current news, in particular QLD COVID restrictions, treason perpetrated by prime ministers and presidents globally.
    The current protests / rallies globally against this medical tyranny. Max logically conjectures that a false flag attack may be in the planning.