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Videos using the tag #babies (x)
4 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 1054
    *This is the ORIGINAL, official Pandemic Baby video! This is an addendum to the previous production "PANDEMIC BABIES" where we DEEP delved into many aspects of this phenomena. This production focuses on the "sub-set" pandemic baby category known as the Black Eyed Children. Not all pandemic babies have black eyes! This seems like it...
  • 0 0 0 717
    Babies Piling up in Funeral Homes due to mothers who have taken the Covid Death Jab!!! Mass incineration of dead bodies!!!
  • 00:48
    0 0 0 1051
    Let me tell you something, If you don't have a pandemic baby you cannot sit with me. I am trying to tell you they are build different, these new pandemic babies are build different and with an Attitude. BIOTECHNOLOGY for you!