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Videos using the tag #reality (x)
3 videos found.
  • 02:58:13
    0 0 0 958
    The Fall of the Cabal: The world as we know it is coming to an End is a Documentary by award-winning author and researcher Janet Ossebaard.
    Centered on the downfall of the 1% who control our manipulated society, Janet brilliant and elegantly outlines their evil master plan to completely dominate and submiss humanity to slaver...
  • HOT

    by askfind
    0 0 0 489

    Addressing the question: what happens when large numbers of individuals rapidly and randomly behave in ways that do not reflect societal norms (collective behavior)?
    A Khan Academy Social Psychologist succinctly outlines society in terms of collective behavior, touching on fads, mass hysteria and riots.

    In c...