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Videos using the tag #remdesivir (x)
29 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 897
    Dedicated To My Dear Friend, Corrine Kurtz, Murdered In The Same Way. Thank You For This, Video Rebel: Support Honest Independent News: Contribute One-Time Or Monthly: https://GiveS…
  • 0 0 0 952
    Neither Stein nor his mother wanted remdesivir but they gave it to her anyway. He had wanted them to give her ivermectin, and at that they began treating like a tin foil hat conspiracist, Qanon himself. After his mom died they had a cop escort him…
  • 05:22
    0 0 0 848
    After hiding the coronavirus outbreak and giving the world a pandemic, China has fooled the world with bogus vaccines. Made-in-China vaccines do not work and Beijing seems to be finally admitting it. #China #Beijing #WION About Channel: WION The World is One News, examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more ...
  • 0 0 0 507
    Where experiments and deaths the most. The business of murders.
  • 0 0 0 904
    ENGLISH / DEUTSCHE UNTERTITEL "Es war der 3. Dezember 2021. Gail Seiler kämpfte seit knapp einer Woche gegen eine COVID-19-Infektion. Es wurden Medikamente verordnet, aber sie kamen nicht schnell genug. Seilers Sauerstoffgehalt sank immer weiter ab. Das war ein Anzeichen für eine COVID-Lungenentzündung. Wenn sie nich...
  • 04:14
    0 0 0 3608
    Writing in the peer-reviewed Journal of Insulin Resistance, one of the UK’s most eminent Consultant Cardiologists Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who was one of the first to take two doses of the vaccine and promote it on @Good Morning Britain says that since the rollout of the vaccine the evidence of its effectiveness and true rates of ...
  • 0 0 0 775
    Mirrored From: Follow Tim Truth Here: ...and here: Want more videos? Join the l…
  • 0 0 0 735
    Vaccinated don't have much time left.  - The Pete Santilli expose with special guest Dr. Bryan Ardis talks about remdesivir death protocol, the mRNA bioweapon, Pfizer document dump and much more. Share this very powerful interview far and wide!
  • 0 0 0 918
    False results from COVID tests are being used by hospitals to put people on deadly "Fauci protocols" treatments such as Remdesivir that are being encouraged and funded by the federal government, and there must be accountability for everyone who knowingly participated in this, warned lawman and medical doctor William Lionberger in t...
  • 0 0 0 402
    They murdered my dad last Thanksgiving. Remdesivir Ventilator Blew up lung
  • 0 0 0 1065
    Dr. Paul Marik: “The hospital gets a 20% bonus on the ENTIRE HOSPITAL BILL if they prescribe Remdesivir” 12/18 Nashville COVID Summit Remdesivir: Toxic Drug That Kills People, Dr. Paul Marik…
  • 0 0 0 567
    Just like bonuses provided to Hospitals to undertake WHO Remdesivir and Ventilator Payments, if Death Certificate Read Death By Covid, another Bonus.
  • HOT

    0 0 0 548
    Mirror. Source Receipts: Hospitals Paid to Kill- Providers Incentivized By Feds to Murder Covid Patients Quote: "Dr. Lee Vliet joins Stew…
  • HOT

    0 0 0 466
    Defeat The Mandates Rally DC Jan. 23: Donate And Support My Work: EarthNewspaper Daily Newsletter: 35 Articles And Videos Published Daily: http…
  • 0 0 0 830
    COVID Cases Inflated for Profit:
    ‘The Guy Went in for Multiple Gunshot Wounds and he was Coded as COVID’
    • Jeanne Stagg, a whistleblower who worked in Inpatient Utilization Management, approached Project Veritas after seeing cases coded as COVID-19 that she says should not have COVID-19 listed as the “prima...
  • 0 0 0 836
    In his latest video, Scott discloses more details about Cirsten W’s death. He also drops some very vital Intel and more info that is necessary to know. The clock is ticking, tick toc, and time is speeding up. Major events are on the horizon and we all need to be ready!
  • 0 0 0 1148
    Analyst and Researcher, Bobby Bounds joins the Sarah Westall program to share the in depth analysis and research he has completed on the actual death records and hospital payouts for COVID. The evidence is very damning; it shows a massive payout and fraud scheme perpetrated by our Government in collusion with major institutions. Th...
  • 0 0 0 550
    This sounds very much like a made up conspiracy theory. However, it is a FACT and it is TRUE and it is happening in almost every hospital around the world. Watch and learn why you are being warned to stay far away from hospitals. Surrounded by patients with terminal illnesses, their families, and fellow Americans who have lost love...