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Videos using the tag #gates (x)
3 videos found.
  • 02:09
    0 0 0 612
    This video montage is a precise summary of the lies surrounding COVID19.
    Is this forced vaccination drive that is harming million driven by profit or is this in line with the genocide and sterilization of civil society as laid out in the first two guidelines of the Georgia Capstones:

    Maintain humanity under 500,000,000....
  • 0 0 0 848
    Coup de Vax: Even before COVID, RFK Jr. spent years exposing Big Pharma corruption.
    RFK Jr, joins Tucker Carlson to detail the unholy alliance between Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates.
    He outlines the use of patents to support the corruption and who owns these mutli billion dollar patents.
    Now he see's the vaccine being used to laun...
  • 00:57
    0 0 0 625
    The CDC is not telling us the truth and now they admit 6% of total deaths were those who were vaxxed. There is no pandemic.