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13 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 4
    If you fall for this again, then you deserve what's coming to you.Everything is being done to interfere with the next presidential election and Bird Flu is the next Plandemic to kill as many more as possible.
    The Globalists only killed and injured just over 1 billion people during the fake Covid Pandemic so here goes their 2nd try...
  • 01:19
    0 0 0 37
    US officials have confirmed a second human case of bird flu, this time in a dairy worker in Michigan who experienced mild symptoms and recovered. The CDC assures the risk to the public is low, with no evidence of human-to-human transmission. The infected individual had regular contact with livestock affected by bird flu, raising co...
  • 0 0 0 520
    "Big Pharma has captured the FDA, captured the CDC. Fauci is a pathological liar and criminally corrupt, that's why he's been able to have that job for 43 years. He makes almost half a million dollars a year. In government!"
  • by Wake Up
    0 0 0 467
  • 0 0 0 556
    Science for Hire takes us on a journey through the most critical scientific issues that directly affect our health and well-being, shedding light on the hidden secrets of the scientific, pharmaceutical, and military industrial complexes. Following a long history of systemic corruption across medical organizations and schools, scien...
  • 15:53
    0 0 0 729
    Subscribe here: Full Episodes: | The Bloody Lie (2022) For more than a decade Elizabeth Holmes spun a despicable bloody lie. She told the world she’d invented a medical miracle. It was a machine which, with a tiny drop of blood, could almost instantly diagnose myria...
  • by askfind
    0 0 0 503
    Today, Monique Robles, M.D. joins host of “Against the Wind,” Paul Thomas, M.D. They discuss the weaponization of the medical establishment and the potentially serious consequences of the mRNA injections. Her message for parents is one that viewers won’t want to miss! Watch to the end to hear from Bernadette Pajer...
  • 0 0 0 472
    The content of this video and all rights belong to the owner
  • 0 0 0 238
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    by askfind
    0 0 0 1011
    Richplanet proudly presents the latest film by U.S. film maker Chris Hampton of Wolf Clan Media. The film delves deeply into the companies, individuals and families who have profited from the global pandemic scam. He exposes a complicated web of global power, which leads largely to Switzerland and also to Italian black nobility fam...
  • 23:23
    0 0 0 1695
    The local doctor who was suspended by Houston Methodist after they said she was spreading dangerous misinformation about COVID-19 treatments has resigned Tuesday.
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  • 50:22
    0 0 0 895
    This ER Doctor practicing in Canada flee's to US to re-certify due to the medical tyranny and policies.
    He highlights the flaws in the Canadian medical system and the hypocritical policies that strike fear and loathing in to Canadian citizens
  • 00:57
    0 0 0 625
    The CDC is not telling us the truth and now they admit 6% of total deaths were those who were vaxxed. There is no pandemic.