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Videos using the tag #Misinformation (x)
15 videos found.
  • by Wake Up
    0 0 0 990
    The United States has officially set up a UFO Task Force in response to the White House's revelation of 3 unidentified objects that were shot down by US forces. This isn't just to fuel conspiracy theorists - but is serious business all around as speculation abounds as to what these objects really are and why they were here.
  • 0 0 0 407
    THE BBC ACCIDENTALLY ADMITS THAT COVID JABS ARE TO BLAME FOR EXCESS DEATHS. Giving you daily updates on current global affairs WITH the Good News! The Situation Room Telegram: Connect with Pastor Gavin Enslin: Inst…
  • by askfind
    0 0 0 464
    So she is down to this? Mentally ill white celebrity Britney Spears dancing naked in shower to black rapper's song "doing it or feeling horny." Yep nothing wrong here, just a normal everyday activity coming out of satanic Hollywierd. They are really…
  • 0 0 0 487
    The mainstream media and the deep state are in for a rude surprise. It seems there is never a moment where they don't belittle Trump's chances. But haven't they heard that God loves a good David v Goliath story?
  • 0 0 0 607
    Joe Rogan has opened up a pandora's box of lies which main stream media is so trying hard to fake check, in-fact if you look at all the fact checkers they are manipulating the concerns raised to keep the agenda to keep on jabbing you! Follow the money! Follow the Agenda! Main Stream Media is the one who coerced you into taking...
  • 0 0 0 917
    Just 4 weeks prior to the March 2020 "National Shutdown", Dr. Anthony Fauci said in several live television interviews, "...don't wear masks". He went further to claim, "...there's nothing to worry about at this. Yes he had planned a pandemic on a massive scale. He had gain of function and a virus released. Event 201.
    Matter of ti...
  • 0 0 0 525
    Credit to Dan Peruzzo In today’s covid crazy world of censorship and this ‘one sided narrative’, it takes courage to stand up and speak out. Take a journey with this group of vaccine injured individuals and health professionals as they share their experiences in an effort to educate the public on the issues that t...
  • 0 0 0 381
    The just can't admit it! Cause when they do, there will be justice and no matter how many times they twist and turn, yet they can never hide the truth.
  • 0 0 0 646
  • 0 0 0 496
    CDC Admits Covid-19 Does Not Exist | Where Is the Coronavirus? The CDC Says It Isn’t Available The link below takes you right to the document in the video:
  • HOT

    0 0 0 705
    Join us to Awaken the tribe. Main Stream Media has destroyed the integrity of  journalism, manufactured news for manufacturing consent instead of reporting news. Sign up to collaborate.