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Videos using the tag #stagflation (x)
3 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 1259
    High Debts + Stagflation = ww1, ww2, and now ww3. Look it up. High Inflation basically means inflating the currency in circulation and eroding its purchasing power, a game played by politicians who are the ones who are close to the money bank kitty, each time they print more, each time they are paid more via bribes and corrupt stru...
  • 0 0 0 1303
    Dollar is imploding and with that every other fiat currency is as well. Debts cannot be paid via taxes or income in any shape of form. The System Collapse is certain and central bankers are now warming up to Central Bank Digital Currency, another Darpa Project to implement the social credit system and Universal Basic Income. N...
  • 0 0 0 606
    Russia cut off from delivering gold to London already causing cancelled deliveries and defaults, European banks need to hold more gold vs paper gold due to Basel 3 but the supply stopped with sanctions. Interest and orders from individuals up 250% across the planet. Russia cut off from IMF.Stagflation = High Debts + Zero Growth = W...