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Videos using the tag #psychopaths (x)
4 videos found.
  • HOT

    0 0 0 706
    The WHO chief urged countries to ramp up surveillance of areas where humans and animals interact. The organisation is working to ensure that supplies of vaccines and antivirals are made available if the situation worsens. Mr Ghebreyesus added that the WHO is in discussions with manufacturers.
    WHO spokesperson Christian Lindmeier s...
  • by dtrader
    0 0 0 763
    The last 33 months has clearly shown the intellectual level of 99% of the people living on Earth is at the level of neanderthals. We have not evolved. This guy is clearly a patsy for all the corruption that went on with this company and will not spend one day in jail because he's protected by both Democrat & Republican politici...
  • 0 0 0 344
    This is the pandemic that must be stopped, not with injections but with injunctions and death penalties! We want justice!
  • 0 0 0 648
    All these psychopaths are selected and not elected!! If voting made a difference it would be made illegal!! You only have to look at the last American election to see it's rigged from the get go!!