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Videos using the tag #natural immunity (x)
4 videos found.
  • 14:25
    0 0 0 880
    The FDA has released data showing the prevalence of blood clots and other adverse events for the Covid vaccine and as you can image, we have some questions. The FDA says that it is not taking any action based on the study because the findings do not prove much and that they are "still under investigation and require more robust stu...
  • 0 0 0 394
    MSM article:
  • HOT

    0 0 0 747
    Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, warns about vax harms to the Ministry of Health:
    "You are ignoring science! It's a disaster. You spend billions on the vaccine & force people to inject it...due to the vax, natural immunity has been suppressed"
  • 02:20
    0 0 0 1303 5/5
    A Consultant Anaesthetist has told Sajid Javid that he will not get vaccinated against COVID and is unhappy at the mandatory requirement. Steve James told the Health Secretary that his 'natural immunity' after contracting coronavirus was far superior to any booster. Read more here: