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Videos using the tag #bill gates (x)
26 videos found.

    by Wake Up
    0 0 0 6
    mirrored from rumble The People's Voice channel mirrored from rumble Note: I removed all the annoying ads in this video. I also removed most the fear mongering part about nuclear war .....
  • 0 0 0 1092
    Who will ascend the throne when Satan Klaus’ body dies and he returns to being a talking bug in formaldehyde? Horror Harrari? Too slimy. Justin Castreau? Too soft. How ‘bout a female despot who knows what it means to be a man?
  • by Wake Up
    0 0 0 496
    Remember to trust the scientism. They pulled it like everything else about covid right out of their ass. Whistleblower: Dr. Paul E. Alexander. These criminals are guilty of crimes against humanity and genocide. Hang 'em all. Peoples lives, families, jobs and businesses were ruined over this. Mr. Jones is right, they all need to han...
  • 0 0 0 1252
    ME: Hahaha this creep likes children like that Jewish MoSSaD freak Jefrrey Epstein. Thats why his wife devorced him Jewish freak of nature original text ???????? Gates took numerous trips and meetings with Jeffrey Epstein after Epstein became a convicted sex offender. Gates says that he was just trying to raise money for global hea...
  • by askfind
    0 0 0 686
    George Gammon: "They want you poor ... or dead"
  • 0 0 0 651
    Establishment insider says he has four databanks that will expose 38 individuals that run the "shadow government", Bill Gates is 1 of the 38
  • 0 0 0 442
    WEF - the same way you feel about an ant, is the same way they feel about you. They won't care when they squash you because you mean nothing to them. Be warned.
    Melbourne apology Sanity4Sweden art…
  • 0 0 0 478
    Please download and share this video with everyone on every platform. LINK TO DOWNLOAD: Exposing Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, 5G Danger, Coronavirus Psyop, Mandatory Vaccination, Kobe and more. For More Uncensored Informat…
  • 0 0 0 787
  • 0 0 0 767
    Dr. Jane reviews the stunning expose brought forward by DRASTIC Research, the group that unveiled the illegal criminal activity by Anthony Fauci, Ecohealth Alliance President Peter Daszak, college drop out Bill Gates, and how EHA brokered deals with corrupt US Government officials in HHS.
  • 0 0 0 705
    creates both B cell and T cell immunity and it's done a better job of getting out to the world population than we have with vaccines."

    That's it Folks. The pandemic is officially over but the medical tyrants have 8 long boosters deals and deals on metaverse social credits systems and love been a tyrant without accountability. Wa...
  • 0 0 0 839
    Corbett Report: Yohan Tengra Exposes the Public Health Mafia in India
     How does the global public health mafia direct the health policy of nations around the world? In today's conversation, James talks to Yohan Tengra of the Awaken Indian Movement to discuss Tengra's article breaking down the Indian Covid-19 Task Force and ho...
  • HOT

    0 0 0 716
    Just in time for #ExposeBillGates Global Day of Action, The Corbett Report is releasing the full Who Is Bill Gates? documentary in a single upload. Please help to spread the word about this documentary
  • HOT

    by askfind
    0 0 0 492
  • by dtrader
    0 0 0 496
    We are in the middle of the biggest, most effective propaganda war in the history of the world, designed to make us helpless, obedient and docile. The end goal is to create a totalitarian world regime.
    In psychotherapy, people who've been abused often cannot identify the abuse as evil. They can't bear to think there are people who...
  • 0 0 0 368
    An Essay by Amelia Janaskie & David Waugh My opinion: The CDC has no credibility left. It was used as a means of marshaling the medical industrial complex against the people. The Centers for Disease Creation should be disbanded. Source: Data…
  • 0 0 0 334
    Obviously ,... it goes to say the apple don't fall far from the tree. One for the Historical Archives on how we got fucked!!!
  • 0 0 0 312
    Bill Gates and Monsanto have run roughshod over Africa and India for decades
  • 0 0 0 385
    Bill Gates: How Gene Editing, AI Can Benefit World's Poorest. 02/20/2020 This plenary lecture was taped in Seattle at the AAAS Annual Meeting on Feb. 14th, 2020. Bill Gates is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In 1975, Bill Gates founded Microsoft with Paul Allen and led the company to become the worldwide leader...