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Videos using the tag #WHO-data-suggests-COVID-is-over (x)
2 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 472
    Why is the WHO so concerned about raising the covid vaccination rate when it is a non-problem? What African nations need is defense from and treatment of malaria. They need mosquito nets, clean water, antibiotics, etc. In Uganda, nobody is getting covid anymore. The pandemic in large parts of Africa is over. So why the WHO push to ...
  • 31:35
    0 0 0 1099
    Dr Vernon Coleman explains that, according to figures from the WHO, the covid fraud is now over. He proves that the covid jabs are more dangerous to children than covid. He discusses masks and PCR tests, and explains exactly why A&E departments are overcrowded. He talks about the new symptomless covid, climate change, the media...