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Videos using the tag #ethnic-cleansing (x)
3 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 1287
    Br Alexis Bungolo outlines what he sees from the Vatican in Rome saying jabbed people will have no immune system by Spring and that a non-jabbed person could kill a jabbed person who has no immune system by simply breathing on them.
    We should not worry about Covid camps because there will not be enough people available to work the...
  • 0 0 0 701
    Stew Peter's reports on the tyranny that is happening in Australia on the Australian aboriginal people.
    An impassioned plea from the leader of aboriginal people of the central Australian desert, where communities are under lock down and being terrorized unless they comply to take the vaccine.
    This genocide must be stopped....
  • 10:30
    0 0 0 705
    In this video we should question why doctors are not present to administer this medical tyranny.
    Obviously this is a culling of the indigenous people of Australia, sadly it has started in Pilbara.
    An impassioned plea by the leader of this minority group to get clarity of what is going on.
    There is only one race: the human race.