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Videos using the tag #Tucker-Carlson (x)
2 videos found.
  • 52:51
    0 0 0 651
    Tucker Carlson speaks to Robert F Kennedy Jr about his new book: The Real Fauci.
    In this book overview Mr Kennedy touches upon:how Big Pharma funded MSM has conviced million of people that Fauci is a hero.. but this is far fromt he truth
    As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthon...
  • 0 0 0 892
    Coup de Vax: Even before COVID, RFK Jr. spent years exposing Big Pharma corruption.
    RFK Jr, joins Tucker Carlson to detail the unholy alliance between Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates.
    He outlines the use of patents to support the corruption and who owns these mutli billion dollar patents.
    Now he see's the vaccine being used to laun...