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Videos using the tag #COVID-policy (x)
4 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 831
    Dr. Eric Nepute is being targeted, persecuted and sued for $500 billion dollars by the criminal US federal government for having the audacity to recommend vitamin D and Zinc to his patients.
    Dr. Nepute's website:
  • 0 0 0 491
    In a very rare occurrence, Congress halted the military from continuing a widespread program of CV19 vaccination. Stopping it was part of the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) that gave the military $858 billion to spend on its operations. …
  • HOT

    0 0 0 509
    About COVID-19 "vaccine" - It's safe and effective... or?
  • 33:38
    0 0 0 1151
    In this video Jimmy Dores outlines the how we are going to be placed into a track and trace tyranny controlled by Bill Gates.
    He outlines one of the largest social control systems in place in India - the Aadhaar System, how villagers starved to death because of errors in the system and how they were unable to get rice and water.