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Videos using the tag #tyrants (x)
10 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 2
     “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ― George Orwell
  • 11:27
    0 0 0 36
    This past week, while we were distracted with the budget, our controlled digital future came one step nearer, as the Australian Federal Governments Digital ID Bill sailed through Parliament last week with the support of the crossbench, having been previously passed in the Senate. The passing into law of this bill may at a superfici...
  • 0 0 0 618
    source : We The People - Constitutional Conventions We've been educating that there has never been a lawful government in Canada or the US - in fact they are not even countries! They are a Business - and their business is to steal, pillage, rape,...
  • 0 0 0 1160
    This was only posted for entertainment purposes. The image and music belong to Ensiferum
  • 28:52
    0 0 0 299
    Hacking, Espionage, Surveillance, How big brother controls you!
  • 0 0 0 722
    What will life be like under a New World Order? How will people behave? What will enforce the new rules? This documentary will take you through a 4-step process to total digital enslavement. Lending a voice to the silenced alternative media. Plenty of people worldwide fear the coming digital CBDCs on the horizon. Explore the overal...
  • 0 0 0 766
    FEAR EVAPORATES - Canada Freedom Convoy is a beacon to our world and shows there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
    Chris Sky inspiration message to all Tyrants who seized power and used government over reach over natural law and liberty enshrined in every person birth right. As Nuremberg 2.0 approaches every perso...
  • 00:08
    0 0 0 545
    Living Organism (contamination) found inside CV-Jab. 400-600x magnification on a compound microscope

  • 0 0 0 1344
    Dr. Franc Zalewski - THE THING ! Another 'LIFE FORM' In The COVID VAX VIALS (english subs) Dr. Franc Zalewski finds living creature inside DeathVaxx vial.