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Videos using the tag #Austria (x)
4 videos found.
  • 01:49
    0 0 0 719
    This is great news that they are trying to say is tech issues.
  • 0 0 0 1287
    Br Alexis Bungolo outlines what he sees from the Vatican in Rome saying jabbed people will have no immune system by Spring and that a non-jabbed person could kill a jabbed person who has no immune system by simply breathing on them.
    We should not worry about Covid camps because there will not be enough people available to work the...
  • 10:29
    0 0 0 1249
    German news channel DW reports on the growing protests in Europe.
    As many governments tighten restrictions to curb surging coronavirus infections, there's growing anger from opponents of the measures.
    Tens of thousands have rallied across Europe. Campaigners say authorities are failing to strike the right balance between protecti...
  • 00:18
    0 0 0 311
    Nigel Farage states that for the state to say that you absolutely have to get the vaccine, and if you don't you can be fined or perhaps even put in prison, I think this is a step too far.'