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Videos using the tag #Assange (x)
3 videos found.
  • 12:32
    0 0 0 38
    “We’re hoping to really push President Trump now to make a statement that he’ll commit to.” It's expected that Donald Trump if elected president would drop charges against Julian Assange, meanwhile the Biden administration has assured that the WikiLeaks founder won't face the death penalty, says Assange's br...
  • 0 0 0 405
    Five major mainstream media outlets, including the New York Times, have issued a letter calling the US Administration to drop the charges against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Assange has been a political prisoner in the UK since 2019. Also toda…
  • 0 0 0 383
    The Melbourne protest on COVID restrictions took place a long time ago, yet only now do MSM scantly report on this massive protest that had been reported on by independent journalist while it was happening.
    When will journalists start to stand up against censorship?
    They will be coming for you as well.
    Now, more than any other ...