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Videos using the tag #dark-winter (x)
6 videos found.
  • 0 0 0 844
    So, billions have lined up to take the multiple jabs, unaware that they were being injected with a highly advanced BIO-WEAPON, yes it's a bio-weapon, some big names out there are say…
  • HOT

  • 14:58
    0 0 0 1026
    The crisis is unfolding!
    This video was made and produced in Austria.
  • 0 0 0 482
    MrTeslonian on TyrantTube, great stuff, he does power a truck in one also. Power to the Benevolent.-Vigilant-Sol the Jew loving Christ Cuck! bwahaha
  • 0 0 0 245
    GET YOUR RETIREMENT OUT OF THE BANK NOW!! < Protect yourself from Dollar Devaluation, Bidenflation , with Physical Gold and Silver now!!!!! Ask them if you qualify for up to $10,000.00 in FREE Silver when you open up an acc…
  • 0 0 0 614
    Why would Bill gates talk about the variola virus (smallpox virus) which emerged emerged and began causing illness and deaths in human populations.
    Have the military Industrial complex already weaponized this virus? Do they intend to release it on the general population of the world?
    The felonies Fauci has committed and Corona Vi...