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Videos using the tag #bill-gates (x)
9 videos found.

    by Wake Up
    0 0 0 6
    mirrored from rumble The People's Voice channel mirrored from rumble Note: I removed all the annoying ads in this video. I also removed most the fear mongering part about nuclear war .....
  • 0 0 0 646
    Peter Schweizer has been fighting corruption - and winning - for years. In Throw Them All Out, he exposed insider trading by members of Congress, leading to the passage of the STOCK Act. In Extortion, he uncovered how politicians use mafia-like tactics to enrich themselves. And in Clinton Cash, he revealed the Clintons’ massi...
  • 0 0 0 1206
    ME: Hahaha this creep likes children like that Jewish MoSSaD freak Jefrrey Epstein. Thats why his wife devorced him Jewish freak of nature original text ???????? Gates took numerous trips and meetings with Jeffrey Epstein after Epstein became a convicted sex offender. Gates says that he was just trying to raise money for global hea...
  • by askfind
    0 0 0 686
    George Gammon: "They want you poor ... or dead"
  • 0 0 0 442
    WEF - the same way you feel about an ant, is the same way they feel about you. They won't care when they squash you because you mean nothing to them. Be warned.
    Melbourne apology Sanity4Sweden art…
  • 0 0 0 478
    Please download and share this video with everyone on every platform. LINK TO DOWNLOAD: Exposing Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, 5G Danger, Coronavirus Psyop, Mandatory Vaccination, Kobe and more. For More Uncensored Informat…
  • 0 0 0 614
    Why would Bill gates talk about the variola virus (smallpox virus) which emerged emerged and began causing illness and deaths in human populations.
    Have the military Industrial complex already weaponized this virus? Do they intend to release it on the general population of the world?
    The felonies Fauci has committed and Corona Vi...
  • 0 0 0 1381
    Reiner Fuellmich interviews Robert F Kennedy Jr about the history and origins of COVID19.
    He touches upon the numerous felonies that have been committed by Fauci and how he has been able to get away with this for so long.
    The corrupt and manipulative practice in funding universities and other institutions such as Moderna through ...