17 Breaking News found.
  • Jan 06, 2023

    Tensions between the US and Saudi Arabia have eased as the two countries are stepping up military cooperation against Iran, The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing US and Saudi officials. The officials said that the Biden administration has dropped its threats to retaliate against Saudi...

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  • Jan 05, 2023

    The State Department on Tuesday said that the US opposes other countries normalizing with the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad following high-level talks between Syria and Turkey. The defense ministers of Syria and Turkey met in Moscow at the end of December, marking the first time Ank...

    0 0 0 113 0/5
  • Jan 05, 2023

    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Wednesday vowed to expand Tokyo’s alliance with the US under his new controversial military spending plan that breaks from the country’s post-World War II pacifism. Kishida made the comments when previewing an upcoming visit to Washington DC, where he will me...

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  • Jan 04, 2023

    Homicide as well as suicide are common causes of death for young age groups in the United States, second only to accidents for those between the ages of 15 and 34. After that age, cancer, heart disease and more recently Covid-19 become bigger killers. Even for children aged 5-9, homicide is a big da...

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  • Jan 04, 2023

    China allegedly faces dark days ahead. Why, you may ask? Because of freedom from coronavirus mandates.   Who fears too much freedom in China? American reporters and corona-experts. Supposedly it will lead to death. You see, the view stateside among experts like Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel is that while Chin...

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  • Jan 03, 2023

    Update (1331ET):  19-year-old Trevor Bickford, from Wells, Maine, is the kid who injured three NYPD officers with a machete in an unprovoked attack in Times Square. He was on the FBI' watchlist' after being radicalized.    UK's Daily Mail wrote, "the FBI in Boston do have an open case on him," and "...

    0 0 0 211 0/5
  • Jan 03, 2023

    State Sen. Scott Wiener celebrated passage of his bill, SB 107, in August, which just became law January 1st, and now erodes parents’ rights by allowing minor children to travel to California for trans procedures, puberty blockers, known as “gender-affirming health care.” SB 107 allows non-parent ad...

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  • Jan 02, 2023

    In a series of two studies, researchers examined the relationship between conspiracy beliefs and depression. Their findings indicate that depression is positively associated with conspiracy beliefs. Additionally, a combination of severe depression and conspiratorial beliefs was found to be strongly ...

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  • Dec 30, 2022

    From the right: A Potential Win-Win for the Prez “Immigration is the responsibility of Congress,” writes The Wall Street Journal’s William McGurn. “But Congress doesn’t really lead. A president does.” And the fact that Republicans aren’t likely to “see it in their interests” to offer sufficient comp...

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  • Dec 30, 2022

    One would assume the California government would prioritize managing the homelessness crisis or stemming the population hemorrhage. But naw. Identity politics takes precedence. Social Justice™ uber alles.   Bureaucrats in California – which became a state in 1850 and never instituted slavery – recen...

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  • Dec 30, 2022

    If the world can learn one thing from the COVID chaos in China, it is that “locking down does not work,” said healthcare policy adviser Dr. Scott Atlas. “We don’t even know really the extent of the harms to their population that they inflicted by locking down but we know anecdotally that there were ...

    0 0 0 264 0/5
  • Dec 27, 2022

    The FBI on Wednesday finally broke its silence and responded to the revelations on Twitter of close ties between the bureau and the social media giant—ties that included efforts to suppress information and censor political speech.  “The correspondence between the FBI and Twitter show nothing more th...

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