4 Breaking News found.
  • A corruption scandal is currently rocking the European Union. As Statista's Martin Armstrong notes, Greek politician Eva Kaili, vice-president of the European Parliament , was charged with corruption in a case linked to Qatar and imprisoned on Sunday in Brussels, along with three other people. The i...

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  • Nov 26, 2021

    To eliminate misunderstanding as to what taxes are, it is helpful to define the word "theft." One good definition is "the wrongful taking and carrying away of the personal goods of another." The definition does not go on to say, "unless you're the government." There is no difference, in principle, b...

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  • Sep 30, 2021

    "Inflation" occurs when the creation of currency outruns the creation of real wealth it can bid for… It isn’t caused by price increases; rather, it causes price increases. Inflation is not caused by the butcher, the baker, or the auto maker, although they usually get blamed. On the contrary, by prod...

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  • In a surreptitious move to support the vaccine narrative, the CDC quietly changed the over 20-year definition of a vaccine, so it no longer says that vaccines produce immunity The World Health Organization changed the definition of a pandemic, so it no longer says there are "enormous numbers of dea...

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