49 Breaking News found.
  • May 13, 2023

    After weeks of buildup, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) unveiled its strictest-ever rules for power produced using natural gas, coal, and oil that could spur the use of carbon capture technologies. Drag line and coal haul truck at North Antelope Rochelle Mine, Wyoming. (Peabody Energy/Wiki...

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  • May 04, 2023

    President Joe Biden allegedly participated in "a criminal scheme" to exchange money for policy decisions, according to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Rep. James Comer (R-KY), citing an internal FBI document they say contains evidence of the alleged bribery which took place when Biden was Vice Presid...

    0 0 0 103 0/5
  • May 02, 2023

    Now that President Biden has made his 2024 run official, he has plenty of work to do if he hopes to shore up his lagging support among key constituencies. According to a recent NBC News survey, a full 70 percent of Americans do not want the President to run again. One demographic to watch is younger...

    0 0 0 121 0/5
  • May 01, 2023

    Last week, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said that 80-year-old President Joe Biden is likely to die within the next five years, and that his supporters would have to assume VP Kamala Harris would take his place. He announced that he’s running again in 2024, and I think that we can al...

    0 0 0 83 0/5
  • Apr 23, 2023

    Most of the green energy tax benefits provided by President Joe Biden’s $750 billion Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 are going into the coffers of big banks and billion-dollar corporations, according to House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-Mo.). “While President Biden’s super...

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  • Apr 23, 2023

    Previously, I wrote about new rules on mortgage rates in which the better your credit score, the higher your effective interest rates. This is an update... New Rule: The Better Your Credit Score the Higher Your Mortgage Rate Please consider New Rule: The Better Your Credit Score the Higher Your Mort...

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  • Apr 19, 2023

    The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “strongest-ever” vehicle emissions standards designed to drive mass adoption of electric cars within a decade will increase the United States’ dependence on China, experts warn. “It benefits the Chinese Communist Party because they control the critical min...

    0 0 0 288 0/5
  • Apr 19, 2023

    House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has revealed that there are not three but nine members of the Biden family that may have benefitted from suspected influence peddling efforts. For those of us who have long criticized the corrupt practices of the Biden family, the identity of these othe...

    0 0 0 208 0/5
  • Apr 19, 2023

    On September 26, 2022, a covert attack ripped four 60-foot holes into Russia’s Nord Stream pipeline, rendering it useless. The EU, which depends heavily on Nord Stream for natural gas, felt the impact immediately. But within weeks, the effects had spread worldwide – and intensified an already devast...

    0 0 0 180 0/5
  • Apr 15, 2023

    A former staffer who worked in the Obama administration is blowing the whistle on the Bidens - and has accused President Biden of being involved in a "kickback scheme" directly related to his son Hunter's overseas business dealings. Mike McCormick, a stenographer in the White House for 15 years who ...

    0 0 0 131 0/5
  • Apr 14, 2023

    The Biden administration has proposed a federal mandate to reduce the supply of water to 40 million Americans who live in western states dependent on the Colorado River Basin to address long-term severe drought and low run-off conditions. The actions were part of a draft report by the Department of ...

    0 0 0 108 0/5
  • Apr 14, 2023

    Our enemies do not fear us, our allies judge us unreliable, and neutrals assume America is in descent and too dangerous to join... Why is French President Emmanuel Macron cozying up to China while trashing his oldest ally, the United States? Why is there suddenly talk of discarding the dollar as the...

    0 0 0 127 0/5