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Onikan Adebayo Hello , am new here Can someone tell me how this page is been run
October 27, 2021

David Icke From computers to global genocide – The staggering influence of Bill Gates on Public Health policy around the world “TrustWHO,” a documentary film produced by Lilian Franck, reveals the clandestine influences that are controlling the World Health Organization (WHO) — and that have been since the very beginning. Founded in 1948 by 61 member states whose contributions initially financed the organization, WHO was quickly infiltrated by industry. From Big Tobacco to the nuclear industry and pharmaceuticals, industry has historically dictated WHO’s global agenda and continues to do so in the present day, putting profits and power ahead of public health. By Dr Joseph Mercola “TrustWHO,” a documentary film produced by Lilian Franck, reveals the clandestine influences that are controlling the World Health Organization, to the peril of public health. Bill Gates is WHO’s No. 1 funder, contributing more to WHO’s $4.84 billion biennial budget than any member-state government. Pharmaceutical companies previously influenced WHO’s 2009 pandemic declaration — experts later called swine flu a “false pandemic” that was driven by Big Pharma, which then cashed in on the health scare. WHO has strong allegiance to China, and its investigation into COVID-19’s origin was a “fake” investigation from the start. Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, WHO released a statement that it had been in discussions with Facebook to “ensure people can access authoritative information on vaccines and reduce the spread of inaccuracies.” WHO’s history clearly illustrates its allegiance to Big Pharma and other industries, including downplaying the health effects caused by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster and collaborating with opioid giant Purdue. Given the strong and ongoing evidence that WHO is heavily conflicted and controlled by industry, its usefulness as a guardian of public health needs to be seriously reevaluated.
September 12, 2021

DrPaul Saladino If you google ‘most nutrient-dense foods’, What you find is a pretty sorry list. Canned chickpeas… Swiss chard… One site even lists dandelion leaves and suggests making a soup with them... DANDELIONS?!? I’m sorry, but you don't reclaim your ancestral birthright by eating dandelions. And our ancestors didn’t give a hoot about dandelions… They knew liver was the real superfood, Because not only did they eat it, they freakin’ worshipped it! West Nile Tribes in Africa said: “The liver is so sacred it may not be touched by human hands.” AHWOOO is how I describe that feeling you get when you begin eating liver for the first time… Because it's seriously nutrient-dense! And it's got nutrients you won’t get in large amounts from muscle meat... Like folate, vitamin A, biotin, copper and manganese. And it’s not uncommon to see folate deficiencies in meat-only carnivore eaters (low serum folate, elevated homocysteine/FIGLU might be indicators of this), and this is easily corrected with liver. Copper is really important to mention too... Because it needs to be balanced with zinc. Too much zinc will lead to a copper deficiency, which can have major neurological consequences. And there is lots of zinc in muscle meat, but liver is where you find lots of copper! Whether it’s fresh, raw, frozen or desiccated, today’s take-home message is GET YOUR LIVER! Stay Radical, Paul
September 20, 2021

Vaccine Impact Military Members Dying and Suffering Crippling Effects from COVID Vaccinations
September 7, 2021