3 Breaking News found.
  • The Federal Reserve would like you to think that it is scientifically guiding the economy with carefully calculated monetary policy. The truth is the Fed is making things up as it goes along. As Mises Institute senior editor Ryan McMaken noted in a recent article, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Pow...

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  • Nov 15, 2022

    Proving that most people have no idea what causes inflation, the majority of Americans in a recent poll said they want the federal government to hand out stimulus checks to combat inflation In the poll commissioned by Newsweek https://www.newsweek.com/majority-americans-backstimulus-checks-inflation...

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  • Sep 17, 2021

    The Biden administration on Thursday announced sweeping new mandates. The new mandates require that all employers with more than one hundred workers require workers to be vaccinated or to test for the virus weekly. The mandates also require covid vaccination for the 17 million workers at health faci...

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